22 Most Essential Things to Keep in Your Car During Winter

Are you planning to travel in winter? If yes, then you must have thought about some of the essential things to keep in your car during winter for a comfortable and safe drive. Or at least, you might have searched about the best winter car emergency kit or must-have winter car accessories. Right?

Winter is a time when people strive to survive the cold and stiff weather through as many means as possible. Right from using warm clothes to placing a room heater in their home, they take every measure possible to feel the warmth and do not succumb to the cold.

But these all solutions can be applied when you are inside your home. What if you have to go outside in this wintry and chilly weather? When you have to drive through the winter season, you must be well aware of the winter car accessories, which shall help you survive the cold on the road as much as you can fight it when you are inside your house.

things to keep in your car
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In the united states, the winter season may also see snowfalls apart from the stiff cold. Thus, one must be well prepared to fight any such instances when they go outside of their house during the cold and wintry season.

Sometimes you can also fall sick due to the cold weather, and so it is better to know which are the best winter car accessories to keep in handy with you when you travel outside.

Trust me, I have been in these situations many times. This is why I am saying that you must know about all the useful items to keep in your car during winter and also learn about various important things to keep in your car in case of an emergency.

In this car travel accessories guide today, we shall read more on must-have winter car accessories and discuss what to keep in your car for winter emergencies. Just scroll down and read on to know more.

22 Most Essential Things to Keep in Your Car During Winter

Emergencies can happen anytime to anyone. Right? And if you are an excellent automotive enthusiast and smart traveler like me, then you might also agree that unexpected situations often occur when we least expect them.

But it’s also a truth that preparation for unexpected situations can enormously reduce the impact and essentially avoid danger. This is why we should always prepare for the worst-case scenario, especially while traveling during wintertime.

You might have noticed that various circumstances and factors such as snowfall, ice, icy wind, and freezing temperatures make winter driving a lot more challenging than any other season. And that’s why having the best winter car emergency kit and being well prepared for winter emergencies is a very crucial thing for every traveler.

To make your winter car accessories search more comfortable and quicker, here we have compiled a comprehensive list of 22 most essential things to keep in your car during winter for a fun and enjoyable trip. So without further ado, let’s check out the winter car emergency kit checklist:

Ice Scraper and Snow Brush

Ice scraper and snow brush are one of the most important things to keep in your car during the winter season. Typically it is seen that when the temperature reaches sub-degree levels in the US and other places where it gets freezing, snowfalls occur. And if you are on the road when the snow starts falling, you might face difficulties driving your car and reaching your destination.

But if you have a snow brush and ice scraper in your car when you are traveling in the winter season, even if it snows while you are driving, you can utilize these ice cleaning supplies to clean your car’s outer surface and keep your vehicle clean and danger free.

ice scraper and snow brush

Sometimes, you can face difficulty while driving as the snow accumulates in the windshield of your car, and it can be hazardous for you to travel while the snow lies in front of your driving glasses. So, with the help of a detachable ice scraper and extendable snow brush, you can easily brush off the snow and drive safely to your destination.

Windshield Snow Covers

The windshield snow covers are amongst the most useful items to keep in your car during winter as it can get really cold inside your car even if the windows and doors are closed. When the temperature outside is at sub-zero levels, and you drive your car during this time, you can still freeze inside the car even if you wear warm clothes.

So, it is better to shield your car’s front glass by using a car windshield cover for snow and ice so that you can refrain the cold from making you freeze inside the car.

Though you cannot expect the car to be at normal temperature when you use such windshield snow covers and car window snow shields, but you can prevent the extra coldness from coming in when you put such covers on the window and make your stay inside the car warmer and comfortable.

Amongst all other things to keep in your car for winter, a car windshield cover for ice and snow frost counts as one of the best things to carry with you while you travel outside during the winter season.

Foldable Snow Shovel

A snow shovel is generally used to clear the accumulated ice from a place. But when you are going up in your car during the winter season where the temperature falls so much that you might assume that it can bring snowfall at any time, then a portable and foldable snow shovel for car can come to your rescue and save you from any kind of harassment.

foldable snow shovel

The collapsible snow shovel for car can be kept inside your car as a winter car emergency kit, and if it snows heavily during your travel, it can be used to clear the road in front of you to make space for the car to move forward.

A durable and best snow shovel can also be used if your car gets blocked on the road due to heavy snowfall. In this case, you can use the shovel to clear the snow so that you can make way for your destination.

One more advantage of the lightweight folding snow shovel is that it can be fitted into a compact space, and thus, you do not need to worry even though you have minimal space in your car.

Windshield De-icer

Amongst the must have winter car accessories keeping a windshield de-icer is indeed necessary. Due to the wintry weather and below zero degrees temperature outside, your car windows can face frosting issues. Not only the windshield but the windows, doors, mirrors, locks, and other such parts of the cars can also become frosted due to the cold temperature, and that may induce hindrance in your journey with your vehicle.

Hence, keeping a car window de-icer spray or windshield de-icer in your car is recommended to get rid of such frosty situations. You can easily de-ice the windshield or any other part of the car if you face frosting issues, using the de-icer.

windshield de-icer

These de-icers generally come in liquid spray bottles, and you just need to sprinkle a bit of it into the frosting area, and it will melt the ice quickly. If you plan to be on the road for a more extended period before you reach your destination, you must keep a best windshield de-icer in your car when the weather is too cold, and the temperature is below zero degrees or around it.

Tire Snow Socks

If you are wondering what to keep in your car for winter, then tire snow socks (also known as car snow socks, tire socks or auto socks) are one more useful thing that you can add to the winter car emergency kit checklist if you are traveling during the cold and wintry days.

Often we get to see that people only remain concerned about their health while going out for a drive, and that is why they wear lots of warm clothes to keep themselves safe from the starving cold. But seldom do they think of their vehicle, which will also survive the chilly winters and suffer the same.

tire snow socks

When you wear socks for yourself, you must even think of giving socks to your car’s tires (pun intended), and that is why tire snow socks for cars are quite important when you go for a ride during the winter season.

These car snow socks are basically a cover for the car’s tires to avoid it from being eradicated in the snowy road. The car tyres can also face inflating issues when exposed to extreme cold conditions. Thus, arranging for adjustable car tire snow socks is equally important as the other best car accessories and winter car emergency kit to carry along with you in the winter.

Emergency Road Flares and Warning Triangle Reflector

In the winter season, roads become more accident-prone. The foggy and shady weather condition worsens the car drivers’ drive to reach their desired destination safely. Hence, keeping up with the safety standards requires carrying LED road flares emergency lights and warning triangle reflectors to avoid any kind of mishaps on the road.

LED road flares emergency lights

You must be aware of what to keep in your car when traveling long distances in the winter season, mainly during the night hours. Due to the icy conditions, your car battery can die down and cause it to stop the car in the middle of the road or create similar situations.

warning triangle reflector

So, to keep yourself safe on the road, you must place the emergency roadside flares and super visible warning triangle reflectors to warn other vehicles about your parked car and avoid any kind of dangerous situation.

These must have winter car accessories are also useful when the weather condition is foggy and shady. The led emergency road flares and warning triangle reflectors can be noticed from a long distance, and thus, you can remain safer even if the weather condition is not so good.

Car Cell Phone Charger

Car cell phone charger with USB port or a wireless car phone charger is amongst the best winter car accessories you must have with you when you travel on the road during the cold wintry season. Difficult times don’t come calling, and when you are traveling long distances during a winter night (or day), it isn’t surprising if you face any such circumstances in the road, which makes you wait for long hours before the road gets cleared.

car cell phone charger

In such cases, you only have the option to wait and wait! During these times, your mobile phone’s battery can die down, and eventually, you won’t be able to contact your near and dear ones to seek any help or let them know about your whereabouts.

Thus carrying a cell phone car charger along with you when you travel during the winter season is critical. You can also keep yourself entertained by using the phone while you are stuck on the road due to heavy snowfall or roadblocks due to fog and other such conditions.

So, if you are checking your winter car survival kit list as to what are the things to keep in your car during your winter travel, then do not forget to keep a wireless car phone charger or cell phone charger for car along with you.

Emergency Flashlight

Winter car accessories that you must keep in your car for winter might be many, but carrying an emergency flashlight for car is one of the most important things you must carry in your car during winter, more so if you are traveling at night or in the early morning hours.

It is because that when you travel in the dark hours or the early morning hours, the wintry fog might block your view and cause you hindrance while you drive. Thus, it is safer to carry an LED emergency flashlight along with you so that you can flash it whenever you feel that the car lights are not working for a better view.

emergency flashlight for car

It is evident that the car lights are also kind enough to see through the foggy weather outside, but the multi-functional and best emergency flashlights work doubly better when you use them during your driving session.

You can also use it to see things nearby if you have to step out of your car in the middle of the road. So, carrying an emergency flashlight for car is one of the many things to have in your car during the winter season.

Winter Snow Gloves, Snow Boots, and Warm Clothes

Water resistant snow boots, waterproof snow gloves, and warm clothing are some of the must-have things to keep in the car during winter in general. You cannot step out of the house without these necessary things in your car. It is common sense to carry these things (winter snow boots, waterproof winter snow gloves, and cold weather clothing, etc.) in your car while you step out of your home during a cold and chilly winter season.

winter snow boots

The snow boots are of extreme importance in snowfall-prone zones. If you somehow get stuck in the snowy road, you can easily step out of your car when you are wearing waterproof snow boots. Otherwise, it can get disastrous to walk in the snow-filled paths. Cold weather waterproof winter snowboard gloves and warm clothes are also essential to survive the heavy cold weather outside.

waterproof winter snow gloves

Amongst all the important things to keep in your car in the winter, keeping warm clothes for the winter, winter snow gloves, and cold weather snow boots are crucial. These stuffs can save you from the extreme cold outside and let you drive to your destination safely.

winter jacket womens

You must also carry the same for your children and pets if you are carrying them along with you as they are more prone to getting affected by severe cold.

Wool Blankets

It may look weird to some people, but carrying a wool blanket along with you when you are traveling a long distance in your car during winter is undoubtedly commendable. Wool blankets not only keep you warm but also help you stay protected from the harsh cold weather.

Amongst all the good things to keep in your car, keeping lightweight puffy wool blankets is an excellent thought. Surely, if you are driving the car, it may not be of any use, but using a wool blanket to wrap around is a better idea if you are not driving. The woolen blankets keep you warm and safe while you travel outside of your house’s comfort zone.

wool blanket

Also, if you are traveling with your children and pets, using waterproof outdoor blankets is the best way you can protect them from the severe cold outside. Even when you are inside your car, it can affect you to tremendous levels if the weather is harsh. So, to keep the warmth and comfort, you should carry the lightweight wool blankets along with you when you travel outside in the winter season.

Car Window Breaker and Seatbelt Cutter

Seatbelt cutter and window glass breaker, these are the things to always have in your car, no matter whether it is winter season or not. Because uncontrollable circumstances don’t come calling, and facing any such situation where you have to break off the glass of your car window or cut your seat belt can become more manageable when you have a car window breaker and seatbelt cutter along with you.

In most areas where the snowfall is persistent, and you don’t have any choice but to travel to your destination, you can face situations where your car can get stuck in the snow, and the doors can also get locked. In such circumstances, you can use the window breaker to rescue yourself from this trapped situation.

The seatbelt can also get jammed at times due to the heavy chilly weather conditions, and thus you may need a seatbelt cutter to untrap yourself from the clutches of a seatbelt. These are some of the most useful things to carry along with yourself while traveling for long distances in the cold and chilly weather.

Car Towing Straps and Hooks

These are amongst the essential things to keep in your car during winter and in other seasons as well, as it is a beneficial thing for anyone traveling during the winter season when the chances of snowfall remain higher. You must keep car towing straps and car towing hooks if you think there are chances of your vehicle getting stuck in snow on the way towards your destination.

car towing straps and hooks

You may be on an isolated road or a place where you don’t get any necessary and immediate help to take your car out of the deep snow. You can use the car towing rope or chain to pull your vehicle out of the storm in such circumstances. One must be well prepared for any such mishaps happening on the road while they travel during the winter season, more so when they think that snowfall chances are higher.

With the help of the car towing hook and straps, the car can be easily pulled if it is not so profoundly tucked. You must carry this thing along with you when you travel long distances in your car during the winter season, more so when snowfall chances are higher.

Car Jump Starter

Amongst all the things you should have in your car, the car jump starter and cables are of prime importance. It is very common during the winters for the car battery to die down. If you are traveling in such weather conditions where the temperature is at zero degrees and sub-zero degrees, freezing battery life is almost mandatory.

Hence, you need ways to restart the car and avoid dangerous situations on the road. The portable car jump starter works pretty great in such circumstances. When you connect the jumper cables in the right way, it helps you restart the car quickly.

car jump starter

You must not forget to carry the car jumper cables and the portable car jump starter while traveling in such areas where the temperature comes down very rapidly. When your car engine stops working due to the cold weather, the jumper cables can prove real help. These are very important things to carry also with you whenever you step outside of your house in the car during the stiff winter season.

Canned Tire Inflator

Canned tire inflator is amongst the most important things to keep in your car at all times and not only just in the winter season. You may have to face a punctured tire during your winter ride in your car, and that won’t be convincing enough for you. And that’s the reason why you must keep a canned tire inflator/sealant in your vehicle whenever you travel outside.

canned tire inflator

Due to the coldness and stiffness in the weather, the tire of the car can get affected most of the time. Also, if extreme snowfall is on the road, it can cause the tire to get affected. Thus, having a fix-a-flat aerosol tire inflator in your car is also highly recommended.

If you do not find any car mechanic when you face any such problem with the tire, you can do the work yourself. You can inflate the tire easily with the canned tire inflator, and that is one good idea to carry with yourself whenever you travel outside during the winter season when the chances of snowfall are higher.

Roadside Assistance Emergency Kit

This is amongst the everyday things to always keep in your car, whether you are traveling in the winter season or summer season. A roadside assistance emergency kit contains such items that are useful when the car faces any fault during the drive. The tire may be punctured, the spark plug may not work correctly, the door lock might just not open, and many other such small issues can occur due to which you may face problems in your drive towards your destination.

roadside assistance emergency kit

Thus, keeping the emergency car tool kit in your car always whenever you travel outside is recommended. You won’t face any difficulty when you drive towards your destination if you have the basic car tool kit along with you. You must know the tricks to repair the car’s small issues, which can be repaired with these basic car tool kits.

During the heavy wintry days (and nights), the vehicles can get affected from mere to severe levels, and thus, you must not wait for the mechanics to come and repair your car, instead, you must do it on your own with the help of a roadside emergency kit.

No-Spill Gas Can

You must know what to keep in your car during winter so that you do not face any kind of difficulty while traveling to your preferred destination. A no-spill gas can is one such thing that you should carry along with you during the winter to avoid any kind of danger while transporting the fuel from the pump.

no-spill gas can

With variations in design and improvement in technology, the no-spill gas cans prove to be of real help to the car owners as they are leak-proof and lasts longer than the usual gas cans. There is no danger in transferring fuel to your car using the no-spill gas because it has high safety standards.

They have a flow rate of up to 3 gallons, which is good enough for your private car to travel during the winter season. You must carry one along with you when you travel during the winter.

Portable Air Compressor and Tire Inflator

A portable air compressor and tire inflator are things to keep in your car during winter as you can face issues with your car’s tire when it is too cold outside. If you are traveling long distances, then the tires can get affected to an extent where you need to inflate it.

But it is not always that you will find a car garage nearby or a mechanic to do the needful. Hence, you need such handy things (portable air compressor and tire inflator) that would be good enough to handle the crisis and solve the issues smoothly.

portable air compressor tire inflator

If you are stuck in a snow-clad area, and the tire gets punctured or de-inflated, you can easily use the portable air compressor and tire inflator to inflate it. And as it is portable and easy to carry, you won’t have to worry about bringing it along with you as well.

Ice and Snow Melter (Rock Salt, Sand, or Kitty Litter)

These are quite essential and good things to keep in your car whenever you have to travel during the winter season. These safety absorbents are useful in many ways. You can use the safety absorbent for absorbing any kind of liquid, be it car spills or your own.

If your car or truck has stuck in the snow then simply spread the rock salt and kitty litter near your car tires and in your car’s path, it will help you get out of a slippery situation. In such difficult situation, these kind of ice and snow melter materials (rock salt, sand, or kitty litter) help you create traction for your car tires. Rock salt is a very effective material when it comes to melting ice, and kitty litter absorbs moisture provides traction on snow, slush, and ice.

ice and snow melter

Some people are prone to vomiting inside the car, though that occurs mainly during the summer season, some might still feel during the winter season. So if somehow, it occurs inside the car, you can use the absorbent to keep your car cleaner.

Also, sometimes due to the frosty weather, you can face oil spills issues that can be absorbed using the safety absorbent. So, you must always carry any type of safety absorbents like rock salt, sand, or kitty litter along with you wherever you are traveling long distances on your car during the winter season to avoid any kind of disorderly circumstances.

First Aid Kit

The best winter emergency car kit must be kept in your car whenever you travel outside. Especially if you’re traveling with your children or older adults, you must keep the emergency kit in your car so that you can provide them with the needy medicines or other stuff that they might need in the cold and chilly weather.

The medical first aid kits generally contain such medicines and bandages that might be useful in the time of emergencies. And when the cold is very stiff, one can fall sick, and it’s expected. If you can, you should also carry along with you, medicines of all kinds, right from pressure and fever to cold and cough, so you do not face any inconvenience while you travel.

first aid kit

If you are traveling long distances, you must have the emergency kit as part of your travel checklist to keep yourself safe and elegant. Sometimes people think that they are moving a small distance, and they might not require a first aid kit, but they must not take any chances and should carry it along with them if any emergency occurs.

Driving Sunglasses

If you wonder what good things to keep in your car during your winter ride are, then this one is undoubtedly one of the good things to carry along with you while you drive. If you are only sitting at the back of your car or next to the driver’s seat, you may not require this necessarily.

Still, if you are the one who is driving the vehicle, then you must wear the driving sunglasses to avoid any kind of inconvenience on the road. When you wear sunglasses, it protects you from the extreme conditions outside, like snowstorms, fog, etc. It would not also hurt your eyes when you are the driving glasses and would protect your eyes from any kind of severe damages.

driving sunglasses

The driving glasses come in different models and designs, so you don’t have to worry about your style being hampered. These glasses can work both for styling your look and covering you from the extremely cold weather conditions.

Water and Non-Perishable Foods

Water and non-perishable food items are some of the most essential things to keep in your car for winter emergencies, as you may need these items in case you get stuck on the road for a more extended period. Apart from drinkable water, you must also carry warm water along with you so that you can utilize it in case of severe emergencies. Whenever you feel freezing, you can even drink the lukewarm water that you carry along with you.

Non-perishable foods are also required when you travel long distances during the winter season, as you may get hungry during your ride to the destination. You might need these items more importantly if you get stuck in the road due to heavy snowfall or stormy weather.

non-perishable foods

Sometimes you might face heavy snow due to which it might seem frustrating waiting for long hours in a jam. And you may feel starving as well. Thus, having non-perishable food and water along with you when you go for a long drive in the winter season is always recommended.

Eton Emergency Weather Bluetooth Radio, Smartphone Charger, Alarm Clock & LED Flashlight (Recommended)

These are the fun things to keep in your car as you might not always need for all these, but having them in your car can keep you entertained and informed at the same time. During the winter season, the weather can turn worse at minimal distances, and it can fluctuate a lot.

And so, to keep yourself informed about the condition of the road and the weather throughout your pathway, you must carry the Eton emergency weather Bluetooth radio along with you so that you do not face any type of severe difficulty while on your way towards your destination. Also, you might need an LED flashlight in case of emergencies if you are traveling at night.

The smartphone charger is also essential as these days going out without one is not recommended as most of the time, people use their phones when they are inside the car and traveling long distances. Also, if you get stuck on the road, you might need to charge your phone as you can lose the charge easily. An alarm clock might also be required if you are traveling a long distance and need to get up at an exact time.

Author’s View on Things to Keep in Your Car During Winter

When you are going out in the winter season, you ought to keep yourself handy with all the essential things to keep in your car during winter so that you do not face any kind of dangerous situation while you are driving to your destination.

It becomes very challenging for people to travel during the winter, more so when they travel during the night or early morning hours. The foggy and shady weather makes it challenging to drive and be safe on the road. And people who have a phobia of the cold and foggy weather would face more difficulty while traveling on the road during the winter season.

must have winter car accessories

So, in my opinion, when you know what to keep in your car during winter, it becomes easier for you to travel during this season. You must be well equipped with everything that you need during your travel outside your house. It can also get stormy and cloudy during the winter season at times.

You should also know what to keep in your car for winter emergencies so that you do not face any such disastrous consequences during your traveling outside. So, in my view, one must keep all these 22 must have winter car accessories and everything else in place when they travel outside their houses during the winter season.

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About Amy Cuban

I am an automotive enthusiast who loves to be around cars. I enjoy working on cars in my spare time and love anything related to automobiles. I like using different types of car accessories, car gadgets, and innovative car care products.

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